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Welcome. 👋
Hi, I'm Si (he/him, pronounced saɪ or like "sigh"), and this is my website. There's very little here beyond the page that you're currently reading, but I appreciate you visiting anyway. Thanks!
Who am I? I'm a husband to a wonderful woman, a father of an equally wonderful (in very different ways) toddler, a human to a wonderful (and silly) australian shepherd, and a product manager for a bunch of really cool web & native video players built by very smart people. I'm a lucky guy!
If you'd like to send me an email, you can reach me via my name at this domain. For business stuff (online video technology), I'm easy to find on LinkedIn.
I've seen some folks list out things they've been doing and what they plan to do, so I'm following their lead and doing the same, as a log of sorts.
What am I up to?
Daily Drivers
Here are some of the things I use every day, in case they're of interest.
- iPhone 15 Pro Max
I've used iPhones since the very first one back in 2007 and have been very happy. My priorities are an excellent camera that's always with me, a thoughtfully designed OS, a well-maintained ecosystem, and a company that respects my privacy. I will not consider buying an Android phone. - J Skis Masterblasters
Okay, you got me. I don't use these every day. But I would if I could! I stick 'em on the roof of the Jeep. - Leatherman Wave+
I thought I would use it occasionally. I use it all the time, often actively creating reasons to use it. - Things 3
This is my To-Do list manager of choice for work. A couple of things I find useful with it: don't include everything you need to do in whatever list you use because it can feel overwhelming, use due dates for the important stuff (only!) to hold yourself accountable, and I like to use very rough guesses (15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h) for how much time a particular task will take me. By doing this, I can easily see that if I have an hour free, I can grab one of the 30m items to knock out with room to spare.
This site is just a single page, and written entirely by hand in HTML and CSS. I've thought about using a content management system or templating engine, but to be honest, there's so little here I thought I'd just do it myself with JavaScript, using JSON as the "database".
I've made a best effort attempt to adhere to WCAG 2.2 AA standards (and beyond, where possible), but if you find that I've fallen short anywhere, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Primarily written on a Mac using VSCode and a simple Python webserver for testing, mostly in Safari. The actual site is hosted on a DigitalOcean VPS running Ubuntu with nginx powering the server. Cloudflare is used for DNS management, attack protection, and HTTPS support. I use Transmit for SFTP and Tabby with Zsh (ohmyzsh) and Vim for editing on-the-fly. Sometimes I use Shelly on iPad (or iPhone in a pinch) for simple updates.
©2025 Si Levitas. We can't do this alone.